Direct Roving for Filament Winding
Low fuzz, fast wet out and high mechanical properties, suitable for GRP pipe/tank filament winding
Direct Roving for Pultrusion
High tensile strength, low fuzz and fast wet out. Good for pultrusion process
Direct Roving for Weaving
Low fuzz, good weaving performance and high mechanical properties
E glass Spray up roving
Good choppability, dood dispersion performance, fast wet out and anti static electric.
E glass Panel roving
Good choppability, dood dispersion performance and fast wet out. Good for transparent roofing sheet
E glass SMC roving
Good choppability, dood dispersion performance and fast wet out
E glass CSM roving
E glass CSM roving
E glass chop roving
Carbon fiber SMC sheet machine is also available.
E Glass Chopped Strand Mat
POWDER AND EMULSION Big roll is available
E Glass Woven Roving Fabrics
100-800gsm Standard and big roll are available
E Glass Multi Axial
UD, ±45°, 0°/90°, +45/90/-45
E Glass Stitched Mat
E Glass Combo Mat
Two types are available:
Woven roving stitched with chopped strand
Multi axial stitched with chopped strand
FiberGlass Surface Tissue
30gsmn 50gsm
From 45mm to 1000mm
For hand layup and filament winding C /ECR glass are available